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TMC125 Demonstrates Significant Efficacy in Treatment-Experienced Patients
TMC125 Demonstrates Significant Efficacy in
Treatment-Experienced Patients with NNRTI Resistance in Phase III
<br />Data Published in The Lancet on TMC125- an Investigational NNRTIfrom Tibotec<br />CORK- Ireland- July 6 /PRNewswire/ -- TMC125 (etravirine- ETR)-Tibotec's investigational next-generation non-nucleoside reversetranscriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)- demonstrated significant efficacyin patients with NNRTI resistance- according to the 24-week primaryendpoint analysis from two ongoing- phase III studies published inthe 7 July- 2007- issue of The Lancet. The studies- known as DUET-1and DUET-2- examined the use of TMC125 in treatment-experiencedHIV-1 patients with documented resistance to NNRTIs. TMC125 is thefirst NNRTI to show significant efficacy in patients with NNRTIresistance. These data will be presented at the 4th InternationalAIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis- Treatment andPrevention (IAS 2007)- in Sydney- Australia- on 25th July-2007.