<br />Ansell Healthcare- a world leader in barrier protection- welcomesthe European Commission's recently announced strategy to reduceoccupational accidents and diseases in the European Union by 25% by2012. Ansell Healthcare- a producer of both medical and industrialgloves- claims that huge improvements in worker accident rates canbe achieved simply by investing in hand protection adapted to thetasks and risks specific to each workstation. The company wouldlike to see the set-up of an EU-wide accreditation scheme forsafety professionals and manufacturers which is recognised acrossthe industry.
According to Eurostat- European Statistics on Accidents at Work(ESAW)- the "upper extremities" are the parts of the body mostinjured- accounting for 43.2% of all non-fatal accidents at work."We frequently audit large multinationals in which 7 out of 10gloves provided to workers do not offer the optimal protectionagainst the risks they are exposed to-" explains Werner Heintz-Senior Vice-President and Regional Director Europe for AnsellHealthcare. "There is room for a great deal of worker safetyimprovements in the European Union's manufacturing plants."