Tähelepanu! Artikkel on enam kui 5 aastat vana ning kuulub väljaande digitaalsesse arhiivi. Väljaanne ei uuenda ega kaasajasta arhiveeritud sisu, mistõttu võib olla vajalik kaasaegsete allikatega tutvumine. Bionas Signs Service Contract with Solvay Pharmaceuticals
Rostock- Germany- October 1- 2007 / b3c newswire / - Bionas
GmbH- a specialist for in vitro profiling of cellular metabolic
activity- announced that it has signed a service contract with
Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH (Hannover- Germany). The contract
covers the metabolic profiling of several drug candidates
identified in the context of Solvays obesity research program.
Financial details were not disclosed.
Solvay has selected the Bionas 2500 analyzing system because itallows monitoring of both acute (short-term) and chronic(long-term) effects of drug candidates in different cell typesthanks to a proprietary perfusion system. Besides the long-termobservation of cells under close to in vivo conditions- theobservation of regeneration effects is also possible.
"The Bionas instrument is a valuable tool for compound rankingand helps us select the most promising compounds for furtherdevelopment-" says Dr. Michael Firnges at Solvay PharmaceuticalsGmbH.