• 09.01.13, 15:29
Tähelepanu! Artikkel on enam kui 5 aastat vana ning kuulub väljaande digitaalsesse arhiivi. Väljaanne ei uuenda ega kaasajasta arhiveeritud sisu, mistõttu võib olla vajalik kaasaegsete allikatega tutvumine

GSK and Theravance announce regulatory submission for ANORO™ (UMEC/VI) in Europe

GlaxoSmithKline plc (LSE:GSK) and Theravance, Inc. (NASDAQ: THRX) today announced the submission of a regulatory application in the European Union for the investigational once-daily LAMA/LABA combination medicine, UMEC/VI, for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
On 18th December 2012, GSK and Theravance announced the submission of a regulatory application in the United States (US) for UMEC/VI, for patients with COPD.

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  • 10.02.25, 15:02
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